
time log 15: 25 hours

4 drawings/paintings.
178 hours.
Immeasurable insight and experience.

My work this semester began at a rather slow pace, but within the last three weeks, it picked up speed and taught me so much about myself, my courage to try something a little bit different, and my ability to manipulate paint and color. According to my final contract, my goal for the remainder of the semester was to experiment with acrylic washes and push the use of color within my self-portraits. I believe that I successfully met this goal because I set aside the importance of the graphite and experimented with the washes, showing boldness in how I applied them. I overcame my preliminary disappointment when the graphite lost clarity underneath the washes by embracing the potential of the paint and using it to my advantage. I believe that my pieces are now stronger because of the expressive brushstrokes and splatters. Although these pieces may show my lack of expertise in this area, they testify to my willingness to experiment and sacrifice one element in order to gain another.

I really want to post pictures, but I am much too tired. Senior and all-nighter just don't go together anymore. First, some shut-eye, and then pictures...

  • 25 hours composed of drawing, applying acrylic washes, matting, writing, thinking, and talking about my work

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